SafetyNet™ Alarm Processors are standalone units that can communicate wirelessly with a wide range alarm and industrial equipment monitoring systems to remotely receive critical notifications and communicate them to digital radios or mobile phones.
Using a SafetyNet™ Alarm Processor on its own or as part of a wider SafetyNet system provides for a prompt, effective response to critical incidents that threaten health and safety or efficiency.
How does it work?
SafetyNet™ Alarm Processor units transmit important status information from alarm systems and industrial equipment to key personnel over digital radios or mobile phones.
Information can be sent from digital radios back to a SafetyNet™ Alarm Processor to acknowledge and alarm alerts
Equipment can be remotely activated from a digital radio or mobile phone via a SafetyNet™ Alarm Processor.
Integrates with plant and machinery monitoring systems, building management systems (BMS), Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems and alarm systems, including fire and entry systems.
Communicates alerts via text message, email or as pre-recorded audio announcements
Communicates alerts to digital radios or mobile phones
Escalates alert notifications
Receives and responds locally and remotely
Example Applications
Water treatment sites – connecting SCADA linked alarms and gate access entry with radios or mobiles
Manufacturing facilities – warning of equipment failure
University campus – connecting fire and intruder alarms to local security
Lone workers on remote sites, e.g. , windfarms, – connecting alarms from their radio to colleagues

SafetyNet Custodial provides location monitoring at HMP Kilmarnock, a 500 cell prison facility managed by Serco Ltd on behalf of the Scottish Prison Service.