SafetyNet™ can integrate with a wide range alarm and industrial equipment monitoring systems to remotely receive critical notifications and can be tailored to each customer’s requirements in terms of how it deals with alerts in terms of who is contacted and how, and how and when alerts are escalated.
SafetyNet Telemetry can provide a solutions that streamline responses and improve their speed and effectiveness in a wide range of applications. Here are a few examples of SafetyNet Telemetry integration:
With fire alarm systems to communicate to two-way radios which alarm has been activated so that security can go directly to that location site, deal with the incident and potentially avoid the unnecessary involvement of the fire service or an unnecessary evacuation of the whole site.
With security doors in prisons and custodial facilities to raise an alarm when they have been left open.
With pump monitors at a water treatment works to raise the alert in the event of a pump failure.
With thermometers monitoring the temperature in offices to raise the alert if the temperature goes outside permitted working temperatures.
With gas detectors at laboratories to raise the alarm and notify people not to enter affected areas in the event of a gas leak.
How does it work?
SafetyNet™ Telemetry is delivered by a dedicated SafetyNet™ Alarm Processor unit, which transmits important status information from alarm systems and equipment to key personnel over digital radios or mobile phones.
The SafetyNet™ Alarm Processor can operate as a standalone system or can be integrated with SafetyNet™ Software into a larger SafetyNet™ system to combine alarm processing with people monitoring, asset location, DMR despatch etc. providing for improved communication, efficiency and health and safety.
Can integrate with Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems
Can integrate with alarm systems, including fire and entry systems.
Can integrate with third party mass notification systems
Alerts communicated via text message, email or as pre-recorded audio announcements
Alerts communicated to digital radios or mobile phones
Dynamic reporting tools

SafetyNet Custodial provides location monitoring at HMP Kilmarnock, a 500 cell prison facility managed by Serco Ltd on behalf of the Scottish Prison Service.