Integrating with Tait DMR Tier 3, SafetyNet software can deliver a complete solution for monitoring and reporting on radio communications, tracking the location of radio users and handling radio alerts, enabling organisations to work more safely and effectively.
Tait Communications designs, delivers and supports critical communications networks for public safety, transportation and utility customers around the world.
Integrating with Tait DMR Tier 3, SafetyNet software can deliver a complete solution for monitoring and reporting on radio communications, tracking the location of radio users and handling radio alerts, enabling organisations to work more safely and effectively.
Tait DMR Tier 3
Tait DMR Tier 3 is a digital communication platform that delivers workforce efficiencies and operational benefits for mission-critical users. DMR Tier 3 is a trunked radio solution that automatically assigns network channels, prioritising voice and data calls for optimal performance.
Secure communications
Resilient infrastructure
Smart data applications (such as SCADA data transmission and location services)
Tait Tough hardware
Control Room Solutions
Integrating Tait DMR Tier 3 systems with SafetyNet Client provides a complete control room solution for monitoring and reporting on two-way radio communications and automating and co-ordinating responses. SafetyNet Locator can be added to provide location monitoring so that incidents reacted to swiftly and radio users can be deployed effectively, and third party applications can be added for additional functionality.
Location Monitoring
To monitor Tait DMR Tier 3 radios SafetyNet Locator software makes use of the integrated GPS function in them, tracking them and presenting the information in real-time on maps.